Young Adult Movie Ministry
Young Adult Movie Ministry
Episode 34: More of a Comment Than a Question

Episode 34: More of a Comment Than a Question

Details, credits, errata: This week’s documentary double-feature is Cameraperson and Dick Johnson Is Dead, both directed by Kirsten Johnson, the former available through the Criterion Channel and the latter on Netflix, both eminently and easily watchable and well worth your time. Our wonderful guest this week is Eric Hynes, curator of film at Astoria’s incredible Museum of the Moving Image and a critic for Film Comment; please check out the Museum’s publication Reverse Shot, which is near and dear to Eric’s heart.

The lead image on the website this week is symbolist painter Hugo Simberg’s 1906 work Black Death, made freely available with our thanks by the Finnish National Gallery through Wikimedia commons, and believed to be in the public domain.

Our theme song is Louis Armstrong and His Hot 5’s Muskrat Ramble, made freely available by the Boston Public Library and audio engineering shop George Blood, LP through the Internet Archive. Camerperson and Dick Johnson is Dead are copyright 2016 and 2020, respectively, Big Mouth Films. Brief audio excerpts are used herein for purposes of review and no other copyright is intended or implied. All other material is copyright 2021 Sam Thielman and Alissa Wilkinson.

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Young Adult Movie Ministry
Young Adult Movie Ministry
A podcast by Alissa Wilkinson and Sam Thielman (and assorted awesome guests) about Christianity and the movies -- all kinds of movies.